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Why is my brand new clipper/blade not cutting?

Introducing a brand-new dog grooming blade into your toolkit is usually met with excitement, anticipating the crisp, clean cuts it promises to deliver. Or maybe you have just purchased a brand new clipper that comes complete with a size #10 blade, and you are ready to give your first groom a go. However, there are instances where that excitement is quickly replaced with frustration as the blade appears disappointingly blunt right out of the box. Let's uncover some potential causes and reasoning behind this unexpected phenomenon, and what to do if this happens.

1. Manufacturing Defects

Occasionally, the culprit behind a lackluster cutting performance lies in the manufacturing process itself. Though the blades do come pre-sharpened from the manufacturers, quality control oversights are possible. While we don't expect this to happen often, it does happen from time to time.

2. Handling During Shipping

The journey from the manufacturer to us, and from us to you is not always smooth. We do our best to ensure safe and secure packaging when sending delicate items, however blades can suffer damage during shipping if not handled carefully. This rough handling can result in a loss of cutting efficiency, even before the blade sees its first grooming session.

3. Improper Tension

Blades operate under tension, with the cutting blade pressed against the stationary blade. Incorrect tension can result in blades that don't move properly or, worse, pull hair during grooming. Knocks and bumps during transit can alter the blades tension, which will need to be corrected by a sharpening agent. Please do not attempt to unscrew the blades yourself, as this can also cause or worsen tension issues.

4. Temperature Changes During Transit

Blades exposed to extreme temperature fluctuations can experience changes in their edge over time. Heat-induced expansion and rapid cooling can alter the blade's angle, affecting cutting performance. While we store all our stock in an air conditioned warehouse, we unfortunately have no control over the temperature and pressure changes the blades may experience on their journey to us. 

5. Lack of Lubrication

Blades need more than just a keen edge; they require regular and sufficient lubrication with clipper oil to function smoothly. Inadequate or infrequent oiling can lead to increased friction, transforming the promising blade into a hair-pulling culprit. The blades are oiled during the assembly process with the manufacturers, however they can start to dry out by the time they arrive with you. We highly recommend oiling all new blades prior to their first use. 

6. Underpowered Clipper

Lastly, it's important to check your clipper is rated for your dogs coat type. If you have previously used this clipper with no issue, or if you have a Super Duty rated clipper, the power of your clipper is unlikely to be the culprit. An under powered clipper, or a trimmer used for full body clipping will fail to provide sufficient power, resulting in a frustrating hair-pulling experience. Ensuring a robust and adequately powered clipper is essential for achieving the desired grooming results.

What to do now?

We recognize that receiving a seemingly blunt blade can be disappointing, and we are committed to resolving any concerns you may have. Before reaching out to our customer support team, we encourage you to consult our troubleshooting guide on what to do if your brand-new blade won't cut. You can find this here

If the troubleshooting tips don't resolve the issue and you're still struggling to achieve a clean cut, please contact our customer support team here. Providing detailed information about your attempts will expedite the diagnostic process and enable us to find a swift solution for you. Whether it's a manufacturing defect, shipping damage, or any other issue outlined in this article, we're here to help.